31 Oct 2014

Beautiful Minds Inspire Others : Surrouding yourself with creative people

I am very lucky to be surrounded by some really amazing people. I've recently taken to twitter with passion! This path has introduced me to some pretty amazing people, twitter chats and websites. In fact, the online world is generally pretty amazing and I'm forever coming across some pretty epic minds and creative geniuses.

I was lucky enough to stumble across #fireworkpeople, which is a truly inspirational, fast paced twitter chat that happens on Tuesday evenings. They have an amazing twitter presence but there's also a wonderful Facebook group too. There is no describing the amazing feeling you have after leaving one of their lovely chats. In fact, the inspiration took a very material feel for me and encouraged me to create a a fancy quote card out of some watercolour stock I had.

Quote is courtesy of @ansleyvas

Another wonderful inspiration has been April Booth of Monster BD Party. I have spent the last week working closely with April and during that time I was so inspired by her drive and passion to create beautiful little monsters and animals. Watching her create custom piece for me was amazing and I am lucky to have had the opportunity to work with her and see her creative process and general awesomeness. April and her niche are awesome, she does brilliant work.

The internet has brought me together with many different types of artists and creative people that I have been able to draw advice, guidance and general support. It makes all the difference.

One day, I was searching Etsy for shops in my local area when I came across a woman, who, it turned out, had a bit of a similar accent to my own. After chatting for a while, I discovered that we had somewhat similar backgrounds and a friendship arose. Ms P is one of those people who seems constantly inspired and encouraging. I love it. She is always bouncing ideas around, encouraging growth and generally she's a pretty creative lady.

Krista, my all time favourite potter, has inspired me to keep plugging away and just creating because that's what I like to do - so I should just do it. Her work and her craftmanship is amazing but, even more so, her ability to teach and inspire others is fantastic. I had the pleasure of meeting Krista through my day job. There's no way you can be around this lady and not feel tingly optimistic and excited about life and following your own path.

I always read that you're supposed to surround yourself with like minded people and that creating your own mini community of positive and inspiring folk leads to a bigger feeling of fulfilment. I always thought it was rubbish. However, as time has passed I'm continually amazed at just how true that is. Creative people are the best and my life is so much richer with them in it.

What do you look for in your own personal community? Do you look for creativity, warmth, sarcasm or something else?