14 Oct 2014

Road Trip: Niagara Falls, Ontario

After a lot of uncertainty, my parents decided to visit us. The only request my mum had was a trip to Niagara Falls, so the Canadian and I set to it. After a little bit of planning we found a nice motel in the area for pretty cheap, we set off at 9:30 am and made the 7 hour trip to the other side of Toronto. Apparently the drive is supposed to be a 4 hour stint but that is without accounting for ridiculous traffic once you get to the Greater Toronto Area.

Places to check out in Niagara Falls, Ontario (the Canadian side)

  • the walk down to the falls
  • my cousin vinny restaurant
  • the tourist area on Cliffton Hill
  • Souvenir world on the way the Niagara-on-the-Lake
  • the rapids (you can travel over them but even if you decide against it, it's a nice view and worth the visit)
For us, Niagara on the Lake was more our speed but I'll fill you in on that later. Keep an eye out for more info.
 -pictures edited with actions from lieveheersbeestje